Book Your Ultrasound Scan

  • Private Pelvic Ultrasound: Opting for a private scan in London can be quicker than hospital appointments, helping to diagnose gynaecological symptoms like heavy bleeding or pelvic pain.
  • Scan Purposes: The ultrasound can detect issues such as endometrial polyps, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and can assess infertility causes.
  • Scan Methods: Both transabdominal and transvaginal scans are used, with the latter sometimes providing additional diagnostic benefits.
  • Preparation and Procedure: Patients need a full bladder, may undergo the scan during menstruation, and will receive an ultrasound report post-examination.

This scan is crucial for diagnosing and monitoring various gynaecological conditions, offering a convenient and rapid diagnostic alternative.


You can read more at the detailed pelvic ultrasound page.

‎£ 164 20 min.
  •  Available
  •  Partially Available
  •  Fully Occupied
  •  Selected
  •  Closed
Ultrasound London Clinic Address:
29 Weymouth Street, Marylebone, London, W1G 7DB
Phone: 020 3633 4902 Email: or
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