Venous Reflux Studies

Sonoworld offers comprehensive venous reflux studies at a state-of-the-art private clinic in Harley Street, London. 

Our expert sonographers are dedicated to providing accurate diagnosis and personalized care for patients with venous reflux, helping them make informed decisions about their treatment options.

What is Venous Reflux?

Venous reflux, also known as chronic venous insufficiency, is a condition where blood flow in the leg veins is impaired, causing blood to pool in the lower extremities. This occurs when the one-way valves within the veins become damaged or weakened, preventing blood from flowing efficiently back to the heart.

A sonographer is holding an ultrasound probe looking at the ultrasound scanner


Causes of Venous Reflux

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of venous reflux, including:

  • Age – The risk of venous reflux increases as you get older.
  • Family history – If you have a family history of venous reflux, you may be at a higher risk.
  • Obesity – Excess weight can put additional pressure on your veins.
  • Pregnancy – The increased blood volume during pregnancy can lead to venous reflux.
  • Prolonged standing or sitting – Extended periods of inactivity can cause blood to pool in the veins.

Symptoms and Potential Complications

Venous reflux may present with a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Swelling in the lower legs and ankles
  • Aching, cramping, or throbbing in the legs
  • Varicose veins
  • Changes in skin colour or texture
  • Skin ulcers or open sores

If left untreated, venous reflux can lead to more severe complications, such as deep vein thrombosis, severe skin damage, and venous ulcers. It is important to seek a proper diagnosis and treatment plan to manage this condition effectively.

What is the cost of the scan?

The cost of this ultrasound scan is only £175 per limb (both legs £260).

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Who Should Consider a Venous Reflux Study?

Risk Factors and Indications

Individuals with certain risk factors or experiencing symptoms related to venous reflux should consider undergoing a venous reflux study. These risk factors and indications may include:

  • A personal or family history of venous reflux or varicose veins
  • A history of blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis)
  • Chronic leg pain, swelling, or heaviness
  • Visible varicose veins
  • Leg ulcers or skin changes

Benefits of Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Early diagnosis and treatment of venous reflux can help prevent the development of more serious complications and improve overall quality of life. Timely intervention can alleviate symptoms, reduce the risk of blood clots, and promote better vascular health.

The Venous Reflux Study Procedure

Preparation for the Study

Before the study, you may be asked to avoid applying lotions or creams to your legs and wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Your sonographer will provide you with any additional instructions necessary to prepare for your examination.

During the Ultrasound Examination

During the venous reflux study, a sonographer will use an ultrasound machine to assess the blood flow and function of the valves in your leg veins. You will be asked to lie down or stand during the examination, depending on the specific areas being assessed. The sonographer will apply a water-based gel to your skin and use a small probe called a transducer to obtain images of your veins.

Assessing Venous Reflux

The sonographer will evaluate the direction and speed of blood flow within your veins, as well as the functionality of the one-way valves. By observing these factors, the sonographer can identify any abnormalities or signs of venous reflux.

Duration and Follow-up

The venous reflux study typically takes about 5–10 minutes to complete. After the examination, your sonographer will review the results with you and discuss any findings. If necessary, they may recommend further consultation with a vascular specialist or other healthcare professional to discuss treatment options.

What to Expect After Your Venous Reflux Study

Once the venous reflux study is completed, our sonographers will carefully analyse the ultrasound images and provide a detailed report on their findings. They will explain the results to you and answer any questions you may have about your diagnosis.

Depending on the severity of your venous reflux, there are various treatment options available, ranging from lifestyle modifications and compression therapy to minimally invasive procedures or surgery. Our sonographers will help guide you through these options and, if necessary, refer you to a vascular specialist or other healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

At Sonoworld, we understand the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Our team works closely with other specialists, such as vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, and general practitioners, to ensure you receive comprehensive and coordinated care for your venous reflux.

Scheduling Your Venous Reflux Study

To book your venous reflux study at our Harley Street ultrasound clinic, please contact us or use our online booking system. We offer flexible appointment times to accommodate your schedule, and our staff is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Price: £175.00 per limp  (bilateral £260)

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