Early Pregnancy Scan

What is an early pregnancy scan?

An early pregnancy scan, also known as an early viability scan, is a medical procedure that allows healthcare professionals to assess the development and well-being of a fetus during the early stages of pregnancy.

Typically performed between 6 to 11 weeks gestation, this non-invasive ultrasound scan utilizes advanced technology to provide detailed images of the uterus and the embryo.

The scan helps determine important factors such as the presence of a heartbeat, accurate dating of the pregnancy, identification of multiple pregnancies, and assessment of any potential abnormalities or complications.

Additionally, it offers reassurance to expectant parents by confirming the successful implantation of the embryo and providing an early glimpse into their growing baby's progress.



What is the cost of the early scan?

The cost of this early ultrasound scan is only £164.

Book Your Ultrasound Appointment

What are the benefits of getting an early pregnancy scan?

Getting an early pregnancy scan in London offers numerous benefits for expectant mothers. Firstly, it allows for the early detection of any potential complications or abnormalities, enabling healthcare professionals to provide timely interventions and ensure the well-being of both the mother and the developing fetus.

Additionally, early pregnancy scans provide expectant parents with a sense of reassurance and peace of mind, as they can visually confirm the presence of a healthy pregnancy and hear their baby's heartbeat.

Moreover, these scans also offer an opportunity for bonding with the unborn child, as parents can see their baby's tiny features and movements on the screen. Lastly, early pregnancy scans can help establish a more accurate due date, which is crucial for proper prenatal care planning.

Reasons for having this early obstetric ultrasound:

Vaginal bleeding/Spotting

Pelvic pain

History of miscarriages

History of ectopic pregnancy

General reassurance

Rule out ectopic pregnancy and check the pregnancy sac is located within the uterus

Confirm viability of the pregnancy

Check there is a baby's heartbeat present

Calculate the gestation of pregnancy

Determine whether it is a singleton or multiple pregnancies

An early pregnancy scan will:


  • Ensure the viability of the pregnancy by detecting a clear baby's heartbeat.
  • Ensure that the pregnancy is located within the uterus (not an ectopic pregnancy).
  • Detect whether it is single or multiple pregnancies.
  • General reassurance.

What happens if a problem is detected during the early pregnancy scan?

During an early pregnancy scan, if a problem is detected, it is crucial to remember that medical advancements have made it possible to address many issues effectively. Depending on the specific problem identified, healthcare professionals in London may recommend various courses of action.

In some cases, minor concerns can be monitored closely throughout the pregnancy, ensuring proper care and support for both the mother and the baby. For more serious issues, specialized treatments or interventions may be suggested to mitigate potential risks and ensure the best possible outcome. It is essential for expectant parents to consult with their healthcare provider for personalized guidance and support in such situations.



Private Pregnancy Ultrasound 

Do you need a same day early ultrasound?

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When can I have a pregnancy scan?

The sooner you can get an early scan to see if you are pregnant is any time from 5 weeks to 11 weeks into your pregnancy. These dates are calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period.

What is included with this early baby scan:

Ultrasound report with a 2D b/w picture

Preparation for this  pregnancy scan

We need your bladder full for this early pregnancy scan so you need to drink 1lt (2 pints) of water an hour before your scan.

How is an early pregnancy scan done?

Before the early scan, our sonographer will explain the examination procedure and discuss the reasons for having the scan.

You will lie on the examination couch, asked to expose your lower abdomen and a small amount of gel will be placed on the skin. The ultrasound probe will be moved in different directions to obtain the best possible images.

Depending on the image quality of the transabdominal scan (TS), an internal or transvaginal ultrasound scan (TV) might be necessary. Our sonographer will explain the reasons and the procedure and will get your consent.

Pregnancy Scans

Ultrasound imaging is a medical diagnostic technique where sound waves are being used to image various parts of the body. Other terms for ultrasound imaging that are being used are sonograms, US and sonography.

Pregnancy or baby ultrasound scans are a very common part of prenatal care. This is because ultrasound scans are completely painless, have no known side effects on mothers or babies, and can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy: in early pregnancy,  ultrasound scanning is being used to see the baby's heart and exclude any early-stage abnormalities; later in pregnancy ultrasound scanning is being used to evaluate the baby's overall health and exclude any pregnancy complications.


How much is an early pregnancy scan?

The cost of a private ultrasound scan shouldn’t be prohibited when it comes to someone’s well-being. This is why our prices are competitive and affordable with no compromise to the level of care.  We have thousands of happy clients including GP’s, consultants, radiologists and midwives to name a few. We can conveniently book an ultrasound scan appointment via our online booking system or on the phone

Price: £164.00 (Twin pregnancy £190)

How to book an early pregnancy scan.

It is very easy to book the first-trimester screening at Sonoworld London. You can either click the button below to visit our online diary where you can choose the time and day suitable for you or call us and we will be more than happy to work around your schedule and offer you the reassurance in early pregnancy you need.

Who interprets the results of the early pregnancy scan and how do I get them?

Our Sonographer, a Health Care Professional specifically trained to perform and understand the ultrasound scan images, will do your ultrasound and provide you with an ultrasound report that you can take it your doctor.  Our sonographers will also discuss the results with you during and after your examination.

Our sonographers are advanced consultant practitioners with years of ultrasound scanning experience. They are fully qualified, registered with the HCPC, BMUS and SoR and work full/part-time for the NHS and private clinics. On an average month, they perform more than 500 examinations and undertake regular CPD and other training activities to keep up with advances in ultrasound scanning technology. You can, therefore, rest assured that your health is in good hands.

What is the next pregnancy scan after the early scan?

 The next pregnancy scans your doctor or midwife will need to assess the developing baby is the dating scan.

Is early ultrasound in pregnancy safe?

There are no known harmful effects on humans related to ultrasound scans. Ultrasound scanning in pregnancy has been used for many years and it the safest form of medical imaging of the foetus.

About Pregnancy Ultrasound Scans

Ultrasound imaging is a medical diagnostic technique where sound waves are being used to image various parts of the body.
Other terms for ultrasound imaging that are being used are sonograms, US and sonography.
Ultrasound is widely used these days as it is painless and safe to adults, children and foetuses. There are no side effects such as the ones associated with ionizing radiation produced by CT and plain x-rays.
During the ultrasound scan, the sonographer rests a small probe over the skin. This probe produces sound waves i.e. pulsations that travel through your skin and inside your body. Part of the sound waves are being reflected back to the transducer and the computer analyses the returning echoes and produces the image on the screen. Medical ultrasonography uses the same principle as the sonar that the navy uses to detect submarines.
Ultrasound is being used to image mostly solid soft organs such as liver, kidneys, uterus and ovaries, muscles and blood vessels and babies in the womb. It has, however, limited value in organs such lungs, bone, stomach and bowel/colon.
Ultrasound images are black and white but colour Doppler is being used to evaluate organ blood flow and blood vessels and this is what the red and blue colours on the screen are.

Ultrasound clinic london registered and regulated by CQC
Ultrasound London Clinic Address:
29 Weymouth Street, Marylebone, London, W1G 7DB
Phone: 020 3633 4902 Email: info@sonoworld.co.uk or sonoworlduk@gmail.com
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