Private Abdominal and Urinary Tract Ultrasound

What is an abdominal and urinary tract ultrasound scan?

An abdominal and urinary tract ultrasound scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of the organs and structures within the abdomen and urinary tract. The procedure is non-invasive and does not involve any radiation.

During the scan, a gel is applied to the skin and a handheld probe is placed on the skin, emitting sound waves that bounce off the organs and structures inside the body. These sound waves create a picture of the organs and structures on a computer screen, which can be viewed and analyzed by a radiologist or other medical professional.

The procedure is used to diagnose and monitor conditions such as kidney stones, bladder tumors, and liver diseases, as well as to assess the size and location of organs and structures, such as the liver, gallbladder, and urinary bladder.

A man is having a private abdominal ultrasound examination at Sonoworld in London.


What is the cost of the scan?

The cost of ultrasound scan is £235.

Book Your Ultrasound Appointment

What are Reasons for having an abdominal and Kidney ultrasound scan?

There are several reasons why a person may need to have an abdominal and kidney ultrasound scan:

  1. Kidney Stones: An ultrasound can detect the presence of kidney stones and help to determine their size and location.

  2. Bladder Tumors: An ultrasound can identify any abnormal growths or tumors in the urinary bladder.

  3. Liver Disease: An ultrasound can assess the size and condition of the liver and detect any abnormalities, such as cysts or tumors.

  4. Gallbladder Disease: An ultrasound can evaluate the gallbladder for inflammation, infection, or stones.

  5. Abdominal Pain: An ultrasound can be used to identify the cause of abdominal pain, such as an obstruction, infection, or inflammation.

  6. Abdominal Mass: An ultrasound can help to identify any abnormal lumps or masses in the abdomen, such as cysts or tumors.

  7. Kidney Disease: An ultrasound can evaluate the size and shape of the kidneys, detect any abnormalities, and assess the flow of urine.

  8. Fertility Issues: An ultrasound can help to identify any structural abnormalities of the reproductive organs.

  9. Monitoring Pregnancy: An ultrasound can be used to check the growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy.

  10. Monitoring after Surgery: An ultrasound can be used to check the healing of internal organs and structures after surgery.


Preparation for this private  scan:

For this ultrasound scan, you are required to fast for at least 4 hours (if you are diabetic, you may have a sugary supplement if needed). You also need to have a full bladder, and it is therefore required that you drink 1lt (2 pints of water) 1 hr before the scan.

To find out why you need to prepare for an ultrasound scan visit this page on our blog.


What should I expect during the abdominal scan?

Before the abdominal ultrasound scan, our sonographer will explain the examination procedure. You will be asked to lie on the examination couch exposed  your abdomen. A little bit of gel will be applied on your skin and a small ultrasound probe will be used to obtain images of your internal organs.  During and after the examination, our sonographer will explain the findings and an ultrasound report will be issued to take away with you.




Price: £235

Private  Ultrasound 

Do you need an ultrasound and you do not want to wait 6+ weeks for a hospital one?

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a sonographer is holding an ultrasound probe getting ready to perform a private abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal Ultrasound Q&A


What does an ultrasound of the abdomen show?

An ultrasound scan of the upper abdomen will provide information about the appearance of your liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys and spleen.

This will help to diagnose or exclude a wide range of abdominal conditions normally causing pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen such as gallstones and kidneys stones.


Will it hurt?

No. Ultrasound is painless and safe. You will not have any effect from it. There are no after effects either.


What is hepatic steatosis of the liver?

Steatosis or fatty liver as otherwise known is a term that describes the build-up of fatty deposits in the liver. Having fat in your liver is normal, but if more than 5 to 10 per cent is fat, then it's called fatty liver disease. Fatty liver is a reversible condition that can be resolved with diet and exercise.


What is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a very common disorder and refers to a group of conditions where there is an accumulation of excess fat in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol. The most common form of NAFLD is a non-serious condition called fatty liver.


What do you do for a fatty liver?

In general, if you have fatty liver, and in particular if you have NASH, you should:

•lose weight – safely. ...
•lower your triglycerides through diet, medication, or both.
•avoid alcohol.
•control your diabetes, if you have it.
•eat a balanced, healthy diet.
•increase your physical activity.


Can you see cancer in the abdomen with ultrasound?

Ultrasound scans can detect cancer. The abdominal ultrasound scan will evaluate your liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder and spleen for any abnormality. If a mass is seen with ultrasound, which could be suggestive of the existence of abdominal cancer, further imaging with CT or MRI will be necessary to confirm the existence of cancer.


How long does it take to get an abdominal ultrasound?

The waiting time for an ultrasound scan appointment in your local NHS hospital varies, but in most cases should take place in or around six weeks. In our private scan clinic, it is possible to have a Private abdominal ultrasound scan the same or the next day.


Is fasting required for the abdominal ultrasound?

There is inaccurate information online about the length of fasting required for an abdominal ultrasound scan. Some websites suggest 8 to 12 hours which is excessive, cruel and outdated. You only need to fast for at least four hours for an abdominal scan. You are allowed to have clear fluids such as water.


What are the benefits and risks of the abdominal ultrasound examination?


  • Ultrasound scanning is non-invasive.
  • An ultrasound exam should not be painful.
  • Ultrasound is widely available, easy-to-use and less expensive than other imaging modalities.
  • Ultrasound imaging is extremely safe and does not use any ionizing radiation.
  • Ultrasound scanning gives a clear picture of soft tissues such as liver that does not show up well on x-rays.


  • There are no harmful effects on humans related to ultrasound examinations.

What are the limitations of Abdominal Ultrasound Imaging?

Ultrasound does not travel well in the bowel or gas, so you can not fully evaluate abdominal organs such as stomach and bowel or organs obscured by the bowel.

It can also be hard to fully visualise the internal anatomy of large patients as the sound has further to travel and therefore the returning echoes are weaker.


Who interprets the abdominal scan results, and how do I get them?

sonographer, otherwise known as ultrasonographer is a highly trained and specialised healthcare professional who performs and understands medical ultrasound scans and images, will perform your Private investigation and provide you with a diagnostic report of the findings, that you can take to your doctor for continuity of care.  Our sonographers will also discuss the results with you during and after your examination.

Our sonographers are advanced consultant practitioners with years of ultrasound scanning experience. They are fully qualified, registered with the HCPC, BMUS and SoR. They perform a large number of diagnostic scans every week, and they are always up to date with the newest technological trends and ultrasound guidelines. You can, therefore, rest assured that your health and the health of your baby and loved ones in good hands.  


Why choose us for your private abdominal ultrasound scan in London?

We are conveniently located in the heart of London, in Harley Street just a few minutes’ walk from Oxford Circus station.. 
We offer same day appointments in a clean and caring environment.

Our sonographers are advanced consultant practitioners with years of ultrasound scanning experience. They are fully qualified, registered with the HCPC, BMUS and SoR. They perform a large number of diagnostic scans every week, and they are always up today with the newest technological trends and ultrasound guidelines. You can, therefore, rest assured that your health and the health of your baby and loved ones in good hands. 

We have thousands of happy clients and five-star reviews on independent websites.


Looking for an abdominal ultrasound scan in London?

Our ultrasound clinic specialises in diagnostic private ultrasound scans to provide you with quick diagnosis and the much-needed reassurance about your health, within a convenient location.

The cost of a private ultrasound scan shouldn’t be prohibited when it comes to someone’s wellbeing. This is why our prices are competitive and affordable, with no compromise to the level of care. The price you see is the price you pay, with no hidden extras. We have hundreds of happy clients including GP’s, consultants, radiologists and midwives to name a few. This is because our clients know that Sonoworld will get the best ultrasound service with no compromise in diagnostic accuracy or the level of service. 


Looking for a Private Abdominal Scan in Harley Street?

You are in the right place if you are looking for a private ultrasound scan in London. At Sonoworld Diagnostics, London, we offer an extensive range of private ultrasound scans in a convenient central London at the beginning of Harley Street.

We offer same day and out of hours private ultrasound scan appointments in days and times to suit your busy schedule.

Our consultant sonographers are very experienced in the field of medical ultrasound, so you can rest assured that your health is in good hands. We use the latest ultrasound scan diagnostic equipment to increase diagnostic accuracy. Sonoworld Diagnostics has been providing ultrasound scan services to NHS and private sector since 2012 and therefore is well established in the field of medical ultrasound.

At our ultrasound scan clinic in London, we are able to offer you ultrasound scans in a clean and comfortable environment without the wait associated with the ultrasound scans provided by the NHS.


How much are the private abdominal scans?

It is our philosophy that private healthcare and in our case ultrasound imaging should be affordable and available to all of us as our health is the most important thing in this world. This is why our medical scans are competitively priced with no hidden extras.


How to book an abdominal ultrasound

We offer evening and weekends appointments.  You can choose the most suitable time and day by visiting our online booking diary. If for any reason, however, you can not find a suitable ultrasound scan appointment, please contact us via e-mail or phone.


What is an ultrasound scan on liver

A liver ultrasound scan or an ultrasound scan of the abdomen is a diagnostic investigation to evaluate your liver for any abnormality. This diagnostic investigation uses ultrasound waves instead of radiation like a CT scan.


Where can I get an ultrasound scan without a doctor's referral.

In our ultrasound scan clinic in Harley Street, you can book a private abdominal scan without the need for a doctor's referral.

Ultrasound clinic london registered and regulated by CQC
Ultrasound London Clinic Address:
29 Weymouth Street, Marylebone, London, W1G 7DB
Phone: 020 3633 4902 Email: or
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