Ultrasound Guided Injection Clinic

One-Stop MSK Diagnosis/Treatment Clinic

Ultrasound Guided Injection Clinic

SonoScope provides a comprehensive clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic package “one-stop clinic" for those requiring ultrasound-guided injections. This will all be provided within the one session.

The session starts with a clinical consultation which includes a physical examination of the painful area. This will help the clinician to understand the nature of the problem.  This is followed by a diagnostic ultrasound scan of the problematic area which will provide additional information to help form a clinical diagnosis and to decide if injection therapy is the correct treatment for you. It will also help identify the structure to be injected.

Ultrasound-guided injection therapy provides a high degree of accuracy which in many cases also improves the effectiveness of injection therapy when compared with unguided injections (Aly et al, 2015; Finnoff et al, 2015).

Included in the package is a clinical report which will contain information gained from the clinical assessment as well as any additional diagnostic information from the ultrasound scan and further specific information about the injection procedure performed.

Expert clinical staff

The clinic is provided by Robert Mast who is an Extended Scope Physiotherapist (ESP), musculoskeletal sonographer and educator.

He is employed as an expert clinician in the NHS providing both clinical diagnosis as well as a point of care diagnostic- and Interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound. He also works in an NHS Radiology-department performing diagnostic ultrasound scans as well as carrying out many ultrasound-guided injection procedures every week.

High-performance ultrasound scanner

The clinic boasts a high-quality ultrasound scanner which provides exceptional high-resolution images further improving diagnostic accuracy as well as accuracy of injections under ultrasound guidance.

Injection therapies available:

At present, we offer Steroid injections and hyaluronic acid injections.

Please follow the above links for more detailed information.

For further information and or booking an appointment please contact us.



Aly, A. R., Rajasekaran, S., & Ashworth, N. (2015). Ultrasound-guided shoulder girdle injections are more accurate and more effective than landmark-guided injections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med49(16), 1042-1049.

Finnoff, J. T., Hall, M. M., Adams, E., Berkoff, D., Concoff, A. L., Dexter, W., & Smith, J. (2015). American Medical Society for Sports Medicine position statement: interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound in sports medicine. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine25(1), 6-22.

Private  Ultrasound 

Do you need an ultrasound and you do not want to wait 6+ weeks for a hospital one?

Book Your Scan Now
msk ultrasound scans
Ultrasound clinic london registered and regulated by CQC
Ultrasound London Clinic Address:
29 Weymouth Street, Marylebone, London, W1G 7DB
Phone: 020 3633 4902 Email: info@sonoworld.co.uk or sonoworlduk@gmail.com
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