Private Pelvic Ultrasound

Sonoworld offers affordable, private pelvic ultrasounds to diagnose any pathology within your pelvis and to exclude tumours such as ovarian cancers.

Private Pelvic Ultrasound

At Sonoworld in London, we specialize in providing comprehensive pelvic ultrasound services in a comfortable and professional setting. Pelvic ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique used to visualize the organs and structures of the body within the pelvic region.
This type of medical ultrasound includes information about the uterus (womb), endometrium, ovaries and surrounding structures.

It's a safe and effective way to diagnose, monitor, and assist in the treatment of various conditions involving the female gynaecology anatomy.

A woman is having a pelvic ultrasound scan.

What is a Pelvic Ultrasound?

Pelvic ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of the organs inside your pelvis. This includes the uterus, ovaries, bladder, and, for men, the prostate gland. Unlike other imaging techniques, ultrasound does not use radiation, making it a preferred choice for monitoring pregnancies and diagnosing gynaecological conditions.

Why is it Done?

Pelvic ultrasounds are performed for a variety of reasons. The doctors request these type of scans to:

  • Investigate causes of pelvic pain.
  • Assess abnormalities such as fibroids and cysts.
  • Monitor the health and development of a fetus during pregnancy.
  • Aid in the diagnosis of infertility issues.
  • Research for conditions like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Just to check if everything is OK - peace of mind
  • Assess the effect of medications on perimenopausal and menopausal women.

Our Approach

At Sonoworld, we understand that undergoing any medical procedure can be a source of anxiety. We are committed to ensuring that your experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Our team of experienced consultant sonographers, radiologists and healthcare professionals use the latest ultrasound technology to provide accurate and timely results. We pride ourselves on offering a patient-centered approach, ensuring that you are fully informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Private pelvic ultrasound without a referral.

Unlike an NHS hospital pelvic ultrasound scanning, a doctor's referral is not necessary for a private pelvic scan in our clinic. You can book your pelvic ultrasound scan by using our online booking system or by calling us.

Can you detect ovarian cancer with an ultrasound?

The gynaecological ultrasound or USG is the first line of investigation in evaluating the ovaries for any signs of ovarian cancer.


How much is a private pelvic ultrasound in London?

Sonoworld offers affordable ultrasound services in London with clear pricing.

The cost of a private pelvic ultrasound scan in London is:

Price:  £164.00


Book Your Private Ultrasound Appointment

What to Expect During Your Pelvic Ultrasound

Preparing for Your Ultrasound

Before your appointment, there are a few simple steps you can take to prepare:

  • For a transabdominal ultrasound, a full bladder is often required. We recommend drinking 2 pints of water one hour before  your appointment.
  • For transvaginal ultrasounds, no special preparation is needed but you will need to remove the tampon if you’re using one
  • You will need to remove the lower half of your clothing before the scan, so wear something that is easy to take off.

During the Procedure

  • Arrival: Upon arrival, our staff will welcome you and confirm your appointment details.
  • Pre-Scan Consultation: A brief discussion with the sonographer will take place to understand your medical history and the reason for the scan.
  • The Ultrasound Process:
    • You will be guided to the examination room.
    • You'll be asked to lie down on the examination bed and expose the lower part of your abdomen.
    • A clear gel will be applied to your skin. This gel helps in transmitting sound waves for clearer images.
    • The sonographer will move a small device called a transducer over your skin to view the pelvic organs.
    • During a transvaginal scan, a slender probe is gently inserted into the vagina for better imaging of internal structures.

Comfort and Communication

  • Your comfort is our priority. If you feel discomfort at any point, please inform the sonographer immediately.
  • Throughout the procedure, the sonographer will explain what is being done and may point out important structures on the monitor.

Duration of the Procedure

  • A typical pelvic ultrasound takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes, but this can vary depending on the complexity of the scan.

After the Ultrasound

  • Once the scan is complete, the gel will be wiped off your skin.
  • You can then get dressed and the sonographer will discuss the preliminary findings with you.

Post-Procedure Steps

  • A detailed report of your ultrasound will be prepared and sent to you in digital format.
  • In some cases, additional tests or follow-up scans may be recommended.

What can the pelvic ultrasound scan detect?

The pelvic ultrasound scan uses sound wanes to examine and evaluate your gynaecological organs for any abnormality, such as:

  • Ovarian cysts
  • Ovarian Tumours
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Fibroids
  • Polyps
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Signs of Endometriosis
  • Detect and locate an IUCD or coil if you have one implanted
  • Assess the effect of HRT
  • Adenomyosis

Pelvic Ultrasound 

Do you need an ultrasound and you do not want to wait 6+ weeks for a hospital one? 

Book a pelvic scan today using our online booking system.

Book Your Pelvic Ultrasound Now
A woman is having a pelvic ultrasound scan.

Indications for Pelvic Ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound is a critical imaging tool, providing invaluable insights in various medical scenarios. Its non-invasive nature and high diagnostic value make it an indispensable part of modern medical practice, particularly in obstetrics and gynaecology. Below are the key indications for conducting a pelvic ultrasound:

Assessment of Gynecologic Pain 

Pelvic ultrasound is often the first-line modality for evaluating women with acute or chronic pelvic pain of suspected gynecologic or obstetric origin. It effectively identifies a wide range of gynecologic conditions, such as ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and ectopic pregnancy, which are common causes of pelvic pain (Cicchiello, Hamper, & Scoutt, 2011).

Paediatric Applications 

In paediatric cases, pelvic ultrasound plays a crucial role in evaluating the embryology and normal morphology of the female genital system from birth to puberty. It is essential for diagnosing conditions like ambiguous genitalia, precocious puberty, delayed puberty, amenorrhoea, gynaecological masses, and pelvic pain of gynaecological origin in female children (Ziereisen et al., 2005).

Oncological Evaluation 

Ultrasound imaging is particularly useful in the early detection and characterization of gynecologic malignancies. It is crucial for evaluating the endometrium in patients with abnormal bleeding and in detecting ovarian lesions. The detailed images provided help in the early intervention of gynecologic cancers (Woodfield, 2018).

Menopause Evaluation

During menopause, private ultrasounds are used to evaluate the effects of hormone treatment on the endometrial lining or if there is post-menopausal bleeding.

Pelvic Floor Disorders

Pelvic ultrasound, especially endoluminal ultrasound, is beneficial for assessing the muscles and organs of the pelvic floor. This is particularly useful in diagnosing conditions like prolapse, faecal and urinary incontinence, vaginal wall cysts, and chronic pelvic pain. It helps in visualizing the anatomical and functional abnormalities of the pelvic floor muscle structures (Stone & Quiroz, 2016).

Emergency Situations

In emergency settings, ultrasound serves as a primary diagnostic tool for assessing acute pelvic pain in women. It helps distinguish between gynaecological and non-gynecologic causes, including gastrointestinal and urinary conditions, which are critical in emergency decision-making (Amirbekian & Hooley, 2014).

Pelvic ultrasound, with its diverse applications, serves as a cornerstone in the diagnosis and management of a broad spectrum of heallth conditions affecting the female reproductive system. Its role extends from the evaluation of pelvic pain to the intricate assessment of pediatric, gynaecological health and the critical detection of gynaecological cancers, underscoring its significance in comprehensive healthcare delivery.

Common Findings and Diagnoses in Pelvic Ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound serves as a critical tool in diagnosing a variety of conditions, particularly in gynaecology and obstetrics. The following are some common findings and diagnoses identified through pelvic ultrasound, supported by contextual references from recent studies:

Gynecologic and Nongynecologic Causes of Acute and Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pelvic ultrasound is considered the initial imaging modality of choice for women presenting with pelvic pain. This includes both acute and chronic pain, with a wide differential diagnosis ranging from gynecologic to nongynecologic causes. Key causes identified through ultrasound include ovarian haemorrhage, ovarian torsion, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and malpositioned intrauterine contraceptive devices. In their study, Amirbekian and Hooley (2014) emphasized the significance of ultrasound in diagnosing these conditions, highlighting its role as a primary diagnostic tool in such scenarios (Amirbekian & Hooley, 2014).

Gynaecological Oncology

Ultrasound imaging plays a pivotal role in the early detection and characterization of gynecologic malignancies. It is particularly effective in evaluating the endometrium in patients with abnormal bleeding and in detecting ovarian lesions. Woodfield (2018) detailed the utility of ultrasound in identifying neoplasms based on their anatomic site of origin, differentiating them from benign pelvic pathologies. This highlights the value of ultrasound in the early stages of gynecologic oncology care (Woodfield, 2018).

Endoluminal Ultrasound of the Pelvic Floor

Endoluminal vaginal ultrasound provides detailed anatomical assessments of the muscles and surrounding organs of the pelvic floor. It is particularly useful in identifying and assessing conditions such as prolapse, faecal incontinence, urinary incontinence, vaginal wall cysts, synthetic implanted materials, and pelvic pain. Stone and Quiroz (2016) discussed how this technique allows not only the visualization of prolapse but also the identification of underlying anatomical and functional abnormalities of the pelvic floor structures (Stone & Quiroz, 2016).

Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Applications: The advancement in 3D ultrasound technology has opened new avenues for observing functional anatomy, particularly in pelvic floor imaging. This technology allows for detailed visualization of structures like the urethra, the levator ani, and various supports, as well as the assessment of implants used in pelvic floor reconstruction and anti-incontinence surgery.

Dietz (2004) described the potential of 3D ultrasound in pelvic floor imaging, underlining its importance in understanding the biomechanics of the pelvic floor, which has implications for both diagnosis and treatment (Dietz, 2004).

These findings underscore the versatility of pelvic ultrasound as a diagnostic tool, capable of addressing a broad spectrum of conditions with significant clinical implications.

Can I still have a pelvic scan if I am on my period?

Yes. Having your period will not affect the diagnostic accuracy of the ultrasound examination. If you, however, prefer you can re-schedule for when your period has finished.


Is the Procedure Painful?

Most patients experience minimal discomfort during a pelvic ultrasound. The transabdominal scan is non-invasive, while the transvaginal scan involves inserting a probe into the vagina, which can cause some discomfort but is generally not painful.


Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?

Pelvic ultrasounds are safe and do not use radiation. According to a study by leading ultrasound organizations, there are no harmful effects associated with standard diagnostic ultrasound procedures.

What Happens If the Ultrasound Finds Something?

If your ultrasound identifies a concern, your sonographer will discuss the findings with you. You may be referred for further tests or to a specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

Can I Have a Pelvic Ultrasound if I'm Pregnant?

Yes, pelvic ultrasounds are a routine part of prenatal care. They are safe for both the mother and the unborn baby throughout pregnancy.

How Do I Book an Appointment?

You can book an appointment by contacting our clinic directly via phone or email. Our staff will guide you through the booking process and answer any additional questions you may have.

Genuine Patient Reviews


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Sonoworld offers a wide range of quality ultrasound scans and other health tests for women, including blood tests, breast ultrasound, fertility tracking, early pregnancy scan,  neck, and thyroid and liver scan.

 Pelvic Ultrasound Facts

  • A private pelvic ultrasound is a medical imaging procedure that uses sound waves to create images of the pelvic region.
  • It is commonly used to examine the reproductive organs, such as the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes in women.
  •  Private pelvic ultrasounds can also be used to evaluate the prostate gland and bladder in men.
  • The procedure is non-invasive and painless, with no exposure to radiation.
  • It is often ordered by healthcare providers to diagnose conditions like fibroids, ovarian cysts, and urinary tract abnormalities.


  • On average, private pelvic ultrasounds detect ovarian cysts in 1 out of every 10 women.
  • Approximately 20% of women who undergo a private pelvic ultrasound receive an accurate diagnosis for their infertility concerns.
  • Private pelvic ultrasounds have a success rate of over 90% in identifying uterine fibroids.
  • Around 15% of patients who undergo a private pelvic ultrasound discover the presence of endometriosis.
  • Private pelvic ultrasounds provide early detection of polycystic ovary syndrome in more than 85% of cases.
Ultrasound clinic london registered and regulated by CQC
Ultrasound London Clinic Address:
29 Weymouth Street, Marylebone, London, W1G 7DB
Phone: 020 3633 4902 Email: or
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