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Published: 26/03/2023

The Benefits of Private Ultrasound: Why You May Want to Consider It

Ultrasound is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to produce images of soft tissues within the body. It's safer and more cost-effective than X-rays or CT scans, which require exposure to radiation.

Prenatal scans on the NHS are provided between 8 and 14 weeks to check if you're expecting one baby or more, and at 18 and 21 weeks to view your growing foetus.

Accurate Results

Ultrasounds are a secure and accurate way to detect the presence of an unborn baby in the womb. The process involves sending sound waves through your body to create images of the fetus on a computer screen, with interpretation by either a radiologist or your doctor. Ultrasounds provide assurance that everything is as it should be for this special time in your life!

Private ultrasound clinics provide several advantages over hospitals or public institutions, such as convenience and cost effectiveness. Since these tests don't need a doctor's referral to be performed, expectant parents can easily schedule their own appointment and enjoy a stress-free environment during their test.

Private ultrasound results tend to be far more accurate and timely than NHS scans, due to their faster turnaround times. This allows patients to receive a quick and precise diagnosis.

Private ultrasound scans, for instance, can be completed quickly and conveniently instead of the days required by NHS facilities. This makes a huge difference to patients' schedules and helps ease some of the pressure that waiting for an ultrasound examination can bring.

Another advantage of private ultrasound is the option for 3D or 4D scans. While these types of images are considered just as safe as standard 2D ones, experts advise against them if you only want a souvenir picture or recording taken. After all, these imaging procedures can take quite some time and expose your baby to more ultrasound than necessary.

3D and 4D ultrasound scans offer the advantage of low intensity levels, unlike 2D ultrasound. This is essential as too much exposure to high intensity ultrasound can cause harm to a baby.

Additionally, 3D and 4D scans produce a clearer image of the fetus' arms and legs than standard 2D images do. These pictures can help doctors detect medical issues like heart defects or cysts earlier.

As with any type of ultrasound, results may not always be 100% accurate. This is because ultrasound technology is constantly being improved and refined. Nonetheless, ultrasound remains an invaluable diagnostic tool that provides parents and doctors with valuable information about their fetus, helps diagnose certain medical conditions, and guides them through precise medical procedures.


If you are pregnant and the NHS routine scan isn't providing you with the reassurance you need, private ultrasound may be worth considering. These scans are usually more detailed, providing more insight into your baby's development. Many are also 3D or 4D in nature - showing real time footage of your little one moving around! This can be especially exciting for new parents!

Another advantage to private ultrasound is its convenience. Clinics usually feature trained professionals who understand the latest technology and can deliver results promptly. Plus, they may provide you with a recording of the scan so you can take it home to review whenever desired.

For most scans, you'll need to lie on a table that can be tilted and moved. A clear water-based gel will be applied to the area being scanned and then a small hand-held transducer is moved back and forth over it to capture images.

Before your scan, it is advised that you refrain from eating and drinking as much as possible. You will also receive instructions on how to prepare for the examination as well as being required to wear a hospital gown.

Ultrasounds are commonly employed in medical settings, from obstetrics to cancer treatment. They're considered safe and can produce detailed images of even the tiniest body parts.

Therefore, ultrasounds have become a widely used diagnostic tool in obstetrics and have contributed to improving healthcare delivery in perinatal units. Furthermore, physicians can use them for examining symptoms such as pain, swelling, and infection.

Ultrasound machines not only offer a rapid diagnosis, but they can also increase operational efficiency in private practices by decreasing waiting times and creating one-on-one patient connections. Furthermore, these imaging modalities have many applications and cost effectiveness that cannot be matched by other imaging modalities like DEXA, CT or MRI.


In an age when many people are wary about having medical tests performed, ultrasound has a well-deserved safety reputation. This is because the procedure is strictly regulated by various organizations such as Health Canada which has set safe levels for heat and mechanical effects.

The British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) adheres to the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable), which states that all medical ultrasounds should be conducted for a short time and at the lowest intensity possible in order not to expose fetuses or mothers-to-be to more radiation than necessary.

Ultrasound scans are a common part of pregnancy, serving to monitor the health of both mother and unborn child. While many women find the experience beneficial, some worry that having an ultrasound could harm their unborn child.

Therefore, it is recommended to get an ultrasound performed by a qualified health professional who has been approved by the CQC. These professionals are known as certified or registered sonographers and have received training on safe use of ultrasound machines.

Ultrasound is generally thought of as safe with very few risks, but it can still be hazardous if someone who performs it without adequate training or supervision. For instance, the technician may not have received adequate instruction or may have incorrectly calibrated the machine.

Another potential risk is having a 3D or 4D ultrasound (essentially, video of your baby's face) performed by a commercial company for non-medical reasons. These types of images, commonly referred to as "keepsake" ultrasound images or videos, are not recommended by organizations such as HealthCanada, the SOGC, and Sonography Canada.

Though these specialized ultrasounds have been found to be just as safe as standard 2D scans, they should not be substituted for regular, low-intensity medically necessary scans. Furthermore, these specialty ultrasounds typically take longer than a standard 2D scan and may involve multiple sessions in order to capture the full image.


Ultrasounds are an invaluable way to view a baby before it is born, and can put your mind at ease if you are concerned about its health or experiencing severe pregnancy symptoms.

However, pregnant women should consult their doctor prior to having any ultrasounds performed. They can provide guidance on the most suitable location and discuss the potential health benefits for both you and your unborn child from having such a test.

Private ultrasound can be an ideal option for pregnant women who are worried about their health and want to avoid waiting on the NHS for an ultrasound examination. In some parts of the UK, waiting times on ultrasound exams can be as long as six weeks - this could have an adverse effect on your wellbeing.

Another advantage of having a private ultrasound is its superior image quality. An experienced technician will be able to detect any anomalies on these images and provide you with an accurate diagnosis.

Private ultrasound scans may cost more than an NHS scan, but you can be certain of getting top quality service. This provides you with peace of mind while allowing your doctor or midwife to assess and provide the best care for your baby's condition.

In addition to the advantages of a high-quality scan, private ultrasounds are typically more affordable than their public counterparts. This is because a private provider can charge less than a hospital since they do not have to cover overhead expenses.

Furthermore, private providers usually employ highly experienced and trained technicians to identify any complications on scans. This ensures you will get accurate results and the treatment needed in a shorter timeframe.

Despite these advantages, it's essential to remember that commercial ultrasounds may not be medically accurate and may cause unnecessary anxiety for pregnant women.

Ultrasound clinic london registered and regulated by CQC
Ultrasound London Clinic Address:
29 Weymouth Street, Marylebone, London, W1G 7DB
Phone: 020 3633 4902 Email: info@sonoworld.co.uk or sonoworlduk@gmail.com
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